Research News

AIR Launches Program on SAR Microwave Vision 3D Imaging

AIR has recently launched a NSFC funded research program on realizing SAR three-dimensional (3D) imaging from microwave vision, a new method that integrates microwave scattering mechanism and image visual semantics to realize 3D reconstruction, meanwhile reduces the number of observations required for 3D imaging.

Jul 31, 2020

AIR Scientists Map Lunar Craters in Candidate Chang’e-5 Landing Area

A research team from the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science with the Aerospace Information Research Institute (CAS) has made a precise lunar crater map within the planned landing area of CE-5, as well as a surface age analysis of the craters. The research was published on the Earth and Planetary Science Letters titled “a catalogue of impact craters larger than 200 m and surface age analysis in the Chang'e-5 landing area”.

Jul 28, 2020

CAS Releases Global 30-m Impervious Surface Map

According to the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), a research team led by Prof. LIU Liangyun has released global 30-m impervious surface datasets with an accuracy of 95.1 %, the highest accuracy among existing data products of this kind. The related paper has been published in the journal Earth System Science Data, with the title of “Development of a global 30-m impervious surface map using multi-source and multi-temporal remote sensing datasets with the Google Earth Engine platform”.

Jul 24, 2020

Study Reveals Composition of “Gel-like” Substance Discovered by Chang’e-4 Rover on Moon’s Far Side

A research team led by Prof. DI Kaichang from the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science under the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), partnering with scientists from other institutions, has made detailed analysis by using multiple datasets from the rover's panoramic camera (Pancam), hazard avoidance camera (Hazcam), and the visible and near-infrared spectrometer (VNIS), revealing that the unusual substance is actually an impact melt breccia, and the provenance of the rover measured surrounding regolith might originate from a differentiated melt pool or from a suite of igneous rocks. The research paper "Impact melt breccia and surrounding regolith measured by Chang'e-4 rover" was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, a leading journal in the Earth and planetary science community.

Jul 20, 2020

Space for New Discoveries

How exactly can space information technologies be applied to the research, monitoring and protection of cultural and natural heritage? Wang Xinyuan, deputy director of the International Center on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the auspices of UNESCO, answered this question in an online lecture where he shared projects and discoveries last month.

Jul 19, 2020