
My Great PIFI Experience in China

I am Jean-Louis Roujean from France. My stay in China as a distinguished scientist supported by CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) was a great experience for me. It was indeed a stimulating visit through the fruitful discussions I had with my dear Chinese colleagues and the exploration of different places. Science and culture are for me definitively linked. We cannot collaborate at the international level without better understanding the culture of our dear colleagues.

Jan 11, 2022

S&T Innovation Plays Big Role for Belt and Road Cultural Conservation

China-Greece Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Cultural Heritage Conservation Technology was launched on December 21 at the Palace Museum of China to promote S&T collaboration on cultural heritage protection in both countries.

Dec 30, 2021

CODATA Task Group on FAIR Data for Disaster Risk Research Enters Sixth Implementation Cycle

Dec 31, 2021

Chinese Delegation Attends 42nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing

The 42nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2021) was held at Can Tho, Viet Nam from 22 to 24 November 2021 with the theme on "Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk and Resources Degradation Reduction toward Sustainable Development".

Dec 10, 2021

GEOARC Holds Online Side Event in GEO Week 2021

A side event themed "Global Ecosystem and Environment Observation Analysis Research Cooperation (GEOARC) Supports for SDGs" was held online on 26 November with the goal to promote ecological environment governance by Earth observations and international cooperation.

Nov 30, 2021