
Prof. Thomas Corpetti Visits AIR

Thomas Corpetti, Director of Research at the Observatory for Universe Sciences of Rennes (OSUR) and LETG (Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique), both part of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), visited the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS) from April 8 to April 12 as a CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) Visiting Scientist.

May 13, 2024

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Experts Visit CBAS

On March 22, a team of experts from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) visited the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). The experts were invited for a tour on CBAS’ technical infrastructure including the SDG Big Data Platform and Satellite Operation, as well as the secretariats of several international organizations hosted by CBAS. The two parties then held meeting to exchange ideas on digital infrastructure, environment & climate, and investment decision-making powered by big data.

Mar 27, 2024

AIR,Uzbekspace Agency Ink MOU for Agriculture and Water Resource Monitoring

The Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Uzbekistan's Space Research and Technology Agency, known as Uzbekspace Agency, solidified their commitment to collaboration on harnessing space technology for agriculture monitoring, water monitoring and management by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Beijing on January 16, 2024. The agreement, signed by Prof. WU Yirong, Director-general of AIR, together with his counterpart, Mr. Shukhrat KADIROV, Director-general of Uzbekspace Agency.

Jan 26, 2024

Prof. WEI Dongyan Elected as IPIN Steering Committee Member

According to the official website of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Prof. WEI Dongyan from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)was elected as a Steering Committee member.

Jan 11, 2024

Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan “National Center of Space Research and Technology” Visits AIR

Prof. Marat Nurguzhin, Chairman of the Board of “National Center of Space Research and Technology”, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization and the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, visited the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) during the week of December 3-9, 2023.

Dec 15, 2023