
Zhang Hangyue Wins COSPAR Outstanding Paper Award of Young Scientists

Jun 01, 2022

ZHANG Hangyue, doctoral student from the Aerostat System R&D Center with the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences, won the "Outstanding Paper Award for young scientists" from the International Commission on Space Research (COSPAR).

The title of this award-winning paper is "Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic Launching Process for High Altitude Balloons". The paper focuses on the numerical simulation of the high-altitude balloon launching process. By constructing the "spring damping bubble model" of the high-altitude balloon launching state on the ground, the full state dynamic simulation analysis of the "membrane-bubble-cable" under various wind load conditions is carried out, and the applicability of the new model and method is explored.

The paper was written by ZHANG Hangyue during his doctoral study period. The other two authors of the paper are his supervisors, Prof. CAI Rong and Prof. YANG Yanchu.

COSPAR is a first-class international academic organization under the International Council for Science (ICSU). The biennial scientific conference is the most influential comprehensive international academic conference in the field of Space Science in the world.

COSPAR Outstanding Paper Award of Young Scientists was created in 2008. It is selected and released every two years in accordance with the COSPAR scientific conference.
