
ZHANG Wanchang

Name: Dr. ZHANG Wanchang
Current Appointment: PhD, Professor/PhD Supervisor;Vice Director of CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation; Director of Global Disaster Division, CAS Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, CAS

Address: No.9 Dengzhuang South Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, China

Tel: 86-10-82178131

Fax: 86-10-82178009



Areas of Specialization:
Earth System Science by Remote Sensing & GIS:

  1. Hydrology, Water Resource and Water Environment;

  2. Land-Atmosphere Interaction Studies for Flooding & Drought Forecasting System;

  3. Four Dimensional Land surface Data Assimilation System;

  4. Integration of remote sensing and GIS for global change, resource management and Land use/land cover change analyses as well as commercial applications;

  5. Remote Sensing & GIS Application for Flooding & Drought Mapping

Environment Remote Sensing:

  1. Application of remote sensing and GIS to surface radiation and energy budget measurement

  2. Remote Sensing & GIS Mapping on Global Change Sensitive Parameters

  3. Environment and Ecosystem monitoring

Disaster Monitoring and Assessment with Remote Sensing & GIS:

  1. Geo-hazard Risk Assessment by Remote Sensing & GIS

  2. Flooding and Drought Risk Assessment by Remote Sensing & GIS

  3. Fire Monitoring and Forecasting by Remote Sensing & GIS Integrated Modelling System

  4. Flooding & Drought Forecasting System by GCM and Distributed Hydrological Model Coupled System

Academic Awards
1997 Recipient of the “research fellow” of Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan.
1993 Recipient of Monbusho scholarship Award in Japanese Ministry of Education, Japan. 

1992 Recipient of “STA fellow” Award in Japanese Agency of Science & Technology, Japan
Society Appointments:
Member of:
committee number of IEEE from 2005
International Association for Engineering Geology and the environment (IAEG).

Tender evaluation expert for International Cooperation Project

Councilor of Oceanologic Remote Sensing Professional Committee of China Sea Academic Society, China Oceanology & Limnology Society

Editorial Committee of “Journal of Urban Planning and Development”

Refereed Journal Articles:

  1. Yan, C.A., Zhang, W. C*. 2014. Effects of model segmentation approach on the performance and parameters of Hydrological Simulation Program – Fortran (HSPF) models Hydrology Research, doi: 10.2166/nh.2014.182 SCI

  2. Yuanming LIU, Wanchang ZHANG*, Zhijie ZHANG, Liang ZHOU. A conceptual data model coupling with physically-based distributed hydrological models based on catchment discretisation schemas. Environmental Modelling & Software. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2004.1369935 SCI

  3. XU Jingwen, ZHANG Wanchang*, ZHENG Ziyan, CHEN Jing and JIAO Meiyan, 2012: Early flood warning for Linyi watershed by the GRAPES/XXT model using TIGGE data. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(1), 103–111, doi:10.1007/s13351-012-0110-7. SCI

  4. Zheng Ziyan, Zhang Wanchang*, Xu Jingwen, et al., 2012. Numeric Simulation and Evaluation of a New Hydrologic Model Integrated with GRAPES, Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(5), 653–663, doi:10.1007/s13351-012-0509-1. SCI

  5. Xu Jingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Zheng Ziyan, et al., 2012. Establishment of a hybrid rainfall runoff model for use in the Noah LSM. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(1), 85–92, doi: 10.1007/s13351-012-0108-1. SCI

  6. Liu Yonghe*, Zhang Wanchang, Zhang Kexin, Pei Hongqin. 2012. Multi-fractal analysis of daily rainfall from a monsoon watershed in Eastern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 107(3-4), pp 591-598. SCI

  7. Chen, Jiongfeng; Zhang, Wanchang*; Gao, Junfeng; Cao, Kai2012Assimilating multi-site measurements for semi-distributed hydrological model updating QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, Vol 282, pp 122-129, 2012/12/19. 1. 874 (2011) SCI

  8. Zhang Wanchang* Gao Yongnian, 2011. Topographic correction algorithm for remotely sensed data accounting for indirect irradiance, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32: 7, 1807 — 1824. DOI: 10.1080/01431161003623441. SCI

  9. ZHENG ZiyanZHANG Wanchang*XU Jingwen, 2011A trial of ensemble flood simulation experiment based upon TIGGE data with a coupled atmosphere-hydrology model. IWRM2010, IAHS 350-104, ISBN 978-1-907161-25-4, Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments, 734-742. EI

  10. Liu Yonghe, Zhang Wanchang*, Shao Yuehong, 2011, A comparison of four distributions of precipitation amounts used in stochastic daily precipitation models, Advances in Atmospheric Science2011. 12:5, 168-176. SCI

  11. Yongnian Gao, Wanchang Zhang*. LULC Classification and Topographic Correction of ETM+ Imagery in the Yangjia River Basin: the Influence of DEM Resolution. Sensors, 2009(3): 1980-1995. doi:10.3390/s90301980.SCI

  12. Y.-H. Liu, W.-C. Zhang* and J.-W. Xu, Another fast and simple DEM depression-filling algorithm based on priority queue structure, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 2009, 2(5): 213?218. SCI

  13. Y.-H. Liu, W.-C. Zhang*, Y.-H. Shao and J.-Y. Zhang, A Comparison of Several 5-Minute Radar-Rainfall Estimation Models. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 2009, 2(6): 1?6. SCI

  14. Yongnian Gao, Wanchang Zhang*. A simple empirical topographic correction method for ETM+ imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 200930:9, 2259-2275. DOI: 10.1080/01431160802549336. SCI

  15. Hongming He, Jie Zhou, Wanchang Zhang*. 2008. Modelling the impacts of environmental changes on hydrological regimes in the Heihe River Watershed, China. Global and Planetary Change 61, 175-193. SCI

  16. Yong, B., Zhang, W.-C*., Niu G. Y., etal., 2008, Spatial statistical properties and scale transform analyses on the topgraphic index derived from DEMs in China. Computer & Geosciences, doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2008.03.006. SCI

  17. W. -C. Zhang*, J. Chen, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 2005. An approach to estimating evapotranspiration in the Urumqi River Basin, Tianshan, China, by means of remote sensing and a geographical information system technique. Hydrological Processes, V19, N9, p 1839-1854. DOI: 10.1002/ hyp.5639. SCI

  18. Junfeng Ji, Jun Chen, Li Jin, Wanchang Zhang, William Balsam, Huayu Lu, 2004. Relating magnetic susceptibility (MS) to the simulated Thematic Mapper (TM) bands of the Chinese loess: the application of TM image for soil MS mapping on Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographic Research, Vol. 109, B05102, doi: 10.1029/ 2003JB002769. SCI

  19. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Ogawa, 2001. Evaluation of the effect of pre-processing of the remotely sensed data on the actual evapotranspiration, surface soil moisture mapping by an approach using Landsat TM, DEM and meteorological data. Geocarto International. 15 (4), P.57-67. SCI

  20. W. -C, Zhang*; Ogawa, Katsuro; Besheng, Ye; Yamaguchi, Yasushi, 2000, Monthly stream flow model for estimating the potential changes of river runoff on the projected global warming. Hydrological Processes, V14, N10, Jul, 2000, p 1851-1868. SCI

  21. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. S. Zhang, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 1999. Observation and estimation of daily actual evapotranspiration and evaporation on a glacierized watershed at the Headwater of Urumqi River, Tianshan, China. Int. J. Hydrol. Processes. 13: P.1589-1601. SCI

Major Research Projects:

  1. National Key Technology R & D Program of China (2010CB951404-4): “:10CB951404-4hina (ogy Rorecasting ing ith WRF/GRAPES-meso for Flooding & Drought Forecasting y actual(2010-2014)
  2. Chinese Natural Science Foundation (40971024): “Study of a Watershed Scale Soil Moisture Remote Sensing 4DDA System” (2009-2012)

  3. Chinese Natural Science Foundation (41175088): “Construction of a TOPMODEL Based and Xinanjiang Hydrological Model Concept Integrated Hydrological Forecasting Model to be Coupled with a Regional Climate Modeling System” (2011-2015)

  4. International Cooperation Project (S2012GR0477): Cooperation Project (ted Hydrological Foreffects of Global Change to World Heritage”(2013-2015)

  5. International Cooperation Project (Y3YI2700KB): “ Construction of a Global Disaster Data Bank for Earth Quake” (2014-2016)

Ph.D. in Earth System Science, Remote Sensing & GIS at the Department of the Earth & Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan. 2000; M.Sc. in Hydrospheric - Atmospheric Sciences, Institute for Hydrospheric - Atmospheric Sciences (IHAS), Nagoya University, Japan. 1996; M.Sc. in Geography (Glaciology), Cold & Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI), CAS. 1987